Fan Spends $100 000 On Surgery To Look Like Justin Bieber

How far can you go as a Justin Bieber fan? How much can you spend to look just exactly like him?

Toby Sheldon shelled out $100,000 for a cosmetic surgery over the course of five years to resemble Bieber.
The thirty-three-year-old L.A.-based “songwriter” was said to have undergone procedures such as Botox injections in his forehead and temples, eyelid lift, hair transplants, face fillers, lip enhancements and chin reduction.

“Once Justin shot to fame, his face was everywhere and I all I kept thinking when I saw his picture was, ‘I want to look like him,’” Sheldon said. “By using Justin’s charming baby face as my inspiration, I’ve been able to restructure my entire look to maintain a much more youthful appearance through plastic surgery.”

Sheldon admitted he is really not that ardent as a Justin Bieber fan but it is the fear of aging that urged him to resort to those procedures.

“I didn’t necessarily listen to his music or fawn over him as a celebrity, but his face was just so flawless every change I made was modeled after him,” he said.

“It’s Justin’s smile that gives him his youthful look,” Sheldon said, revealing his last surgery was the “smile surgery” which cost him $15,000 alone. He also shared he had his upper lip lifted and bottom lip plumped out and did eye surgery in 2012 for $4,850.

“My smile surgery took more than a month to recover from. And, after my eyelid surgery, I couldn’t open my eyes for a week.”

He has also spent $8,000 for hair transplants but was not satisfied with the results. “It took three transplants and a total of $21,000 to accurately lower my hair line, close off my temples and grow back my bangs,” he added.

In the course of five years, all his efforts and hardships paid off as he received positive response from his friends.

“My friends shower me with compliments. They even call me Toby Bieber.”


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